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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4483-4488

Backbiting (Ghibah) An Emerging Cultural Issue In Society Of Kashmir: Islamic Narrative

Dr. Zulfqar Ashraf Wani, Dr. Mukhtar Hussain.


Backbiting (Ghibah) is to speak ill of an individual behind his/her back, including matters concerning his character, common issues, physical appearance and character. Not exclusively is defaming confined to words, yet in addition it incorporates each conduct and deed, in the case of demonstrating to an individual by signalling with one's eyes, hand or head. We all know that backbiting is grave sign but in our modern society it is witnessed everywhere. Whether it is family, friends, relatives or common people majority are doing this crime with pride they fell no fear of their lord who had prohibited it completely. While lying, abusing, defaming, gossiping, backbiting, outrage mongering and other social ills are concerned with this minute piece of flesh. Slandering is the one of the grave social cruelty in nowadays. Backbiting is a damaging component that annihilates the social development and spoils the tied up relations. At the point when the evil talk arrives at the one about whom it is said, it offends him and feeling of disrespect, doubt and hostility in him. Through its guidelines, Islam stressed to strengthen organization and create common agreeableness, while it cautions against any issue that irritates the unadulterated hearts or raises malevolence and disdain Therefore, in Islamic lessons the tongue has been given due spot and Muslims were warned to utilize it cautiously. Backbiting causes antipathy, jealously and defilement when it gets common in society it, besides, breeds group and dishonesty, and annihilates commonality and unity in society and shakes mainstays of the religion. Thus, corruption and evil increment consistently. Islam is a religion of harmony, love and sympathy. Untruths, doubt, backbiting, criticize, vain talk - all these are utter horror to Islam. For sure, such contrary action plants the seeds of hatred among the individuals and at last realizes the destruction of society. Backbiting specifically, as indicated by the Quran, isn't only a common social shrewdness, but instead a despicable demonstration, a significant sin - what might be compared to eating ones sibling's flesh

Key words: ocial Evil, Backbiting, Gossiping, Jealously, Abusing and Sin.

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