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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4532-4543

Review On Historical Study Of Calcutta And Its Suburb With Special Reference To British India Capital

Manisankar Sarkar, Dr. Vandana Varma.


Historical research on Calcutta's growth pattern in the first half of the 20th century is still a relatively unexplored field. The minor components that make up the city and its surrounding areas haven't been the subject of many authoritative writings. The term "suburb" is derived from the Latin word "suburbium," which means "under the city," and refers to a residential region that is geographically and economically attached to the centre of a city. So, in this article, historical study of Calcutta and its suburb with special reference to British India Capital has been discussed.

Key words: Calcutta, Suburb, British, India, Capital.

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