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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4564-4575

Synthesis Of Selected Nanomaterials And Nanorods Using Soft Chemical Route

Rekha R. S, Dr. Geeta Khoobchandani.


In the synthesis of the materials, the used precursors were dissolved in distilled water and stirred by a magnetic stirrer to get a clear solution. A capping agent was used to arrest the agglomeration. Using cold centrifuge, the resulting precipitate was separated from the final solution and washed several times by methanol to remove the impurities present in the sample and then dried in vacuum at room temperature to obtain the nano materials in powder form. In this article, synthesis of several nanomaterials and nanorods using soft chemical route has been highlighted.

Key words: Synthesis, Nanomaterials, Nanorods, Soft Chemical Route.

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