Case Report |
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Pathology and Immunochemical diagnosis of Mannheimia haemolytica infection in an adult Dorcas gazelle- A case ReportOlugbenga O Alaka,Theophilus A Jarikre,Bamidele N Ogunro,Isah Dauda,Olawale O Ola,Michael A Ockiya,Benjamin O Emikpe. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | This report describes the pathology of manheimiosis in Dorcas gazelle in captivity at the University Zoological gardens. The nine years old captive male Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcass) was from a group of two (a male and a female). The gazelle was found dead in its enclosure, it was observed to be dull with restricted movement few weeks back. There was cranio-ventral consolidation of the lung with accentuated inter-lobular spaces, fibrinopurulent exudate and discrete multifocal nodules, and fibrinous pericarditis. Bacteriological examination of the lung and pericardial tissues yielded a mixed growth of Mannheimia species. Mannheimia haemolytica antigens were present in the inflammatory cells in the bronchiolar and alveolar exudate. There is need to properly elucidate respiratory disease complex and associated patterns in wildlife ruminants
Key words: Mannheimiosis, Pneumonia, Gazelle, Wildlife