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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4678-4684

The Use Of Film Adaptations As A Teaching Medium Through Media Innovation

Sonika Kumari, Dr. Prachi Priyanka.


The effects of technological advances on daily life are getting bigger and bigger, so there are a lot of new ideas in the educational field. Learners will be interested in what they are taught if it is interesting. One of the learning media that can increase the participation of learners in the learning process is film. Especially, audio-visual materials which are used in education are relevant to technology directly, so this fact directs us to examine the usage of the audio-visual materials in literature education. In many ways, new media (like TV, radio, movies, etc.) is based on old media (like books, paintings, music, etc.). Over time, new and old media influence each other and continue to interact with each other (Aytac, 2005;19-20). Most forms of art that came before cinema interact with it in some way. Cinema, which is influenced by music, painting, and theatre, has a lot in common with literature. The most important part of cinema is movies with plots that come from books. The works of authors like Goethe, Shakespeare, Kafka, and Steinbeck have been turned into screenplays many times, and the process is still going on today. Technology has made it possible for films to reach many people faster than books, so they can be more effective. Adaptation films make a more tremendous impact than literary works. With the rise of film as a form of media, literary works do not depend on writing and books as much as they used to. Here are two important parts of the story: the symbolic code of the world is not limited to reading, which is a privilege, and more people can enjoy the value of art in this age of technology manufacturing. Film is a unique way to communicate compared to other forms of media because it is both free and fixed, and because it communicates directly through images and real sounds. It can also cover a wide range of topics. This study aims to analyse and illustrate best practises for employing the action research method's features and strategies to improve classroom outcomes. This article exemplifies how to plan lessons to improve outcomes when using films as a tool for active learning in literacy instruction. Using films as an instructional tool, this study proposes a solution to the difficulty of teaching literature in a complicated classroom. This research aims to present the didactic method of employing films for active learning of English literature in academic institutions.

Key words: Films as educational tool, active learning, learning by watching films, media innovation, teaching media, literary teaching, film adaptations.

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