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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4697-4705

Examining The Effects Of Surya Namaskar Exercise On Football Players' Shooting Skills In Pune, Maharashtra, India

Potdar Abhay Ratnakar, Dr. Minakshi Pathak.


This study focuses on the effects of Suryanamaskar practice on football players’ shooting efficiency in Pune. The study sought to examine the relationship between Suryanamaskar, an ancient Hindu practice, and shooting performance in football players from local clubs in Pune. The researchers hypothesized that a regular Suryanamaskar practice would have a positive effect on shooting efficiency. A total of 50 players from three local football clubs participated in the study. Half of the participants practiced Suryanamaskar for 45 minutes each day for 5 days a week for 8 weeks while the other half did not. After 8 weeks, all participants performed shooting tests with 12 shots each. The results showed that those participants who practiced Suryanamaskar scored significantly higher than those who did not (p

Key words: Football, Surya Namaskar, T-Test, Chi-Squared Test.

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