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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4715-4724

Mission Smart Cities: A Step Towards Smart India

Deepa Tandon, Dr. Durgesh Kumar Singh.


The United Nations estimates that by the year 2050, the majority of the world's population would live in urban regions. Better economic and social prospects may entice people to make the journey from the rural to urban centers. This will exacerbate the already significant demand on urban areas' natural resources and ecosystems. To safeguard the long-term well-being of our nation's people, economy, and environment, we need a paradigm shift in urban management to tackle the challenges posed by our nation's expanding urban areas. Every management cycle should be geared toward the development of truly remarkable, ground-breaking, and enduring answers to problems. The notion of the Smart City has evolved through time as a response to the changing nature of contemporary urban environments. A "Smart City" is a city that is progressive, inventive, sustainable, effective, and decent in the future. Data and correspondence innovation (ICT) and big information serve as the core component, coordinating data from the secondary components to help in the smart city management cycle.
ICT and the Internet of Things (IoT) may play a large role in smart city administration and design (IoT). Important data may be found in large databases, but it is important to focus on selecting, isolating, filtering, and disseminating the right data. Connectivity between devices and monitoring of the surrounding environment are made possible by IoT, making it a crucial component of the big data trend.

Key words: Land, Information, Sustain.

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