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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4725-46378

Quality Of Work Life – A Sem Approach



The article discusses the concept of Quality of Work Life (QWL) and its impact on the satisfaction, productivity, and effectiveness of employees in organizations. QWL is affected by various factors such as job environment, job pressure, interpersonal conflicts, work-life balance, and organizational inputs. The article cites various studies that have used different dimensions and questionnaires to measure the QWL of employees, particularly women professionals in the IT industry. The studies suggest that despite measures such as work from home, flexible work hours, and physical fitness facilities, the QWL of women professionals continues to be deplorable. The article concludes that organizations need to focus on improving the QWL of their employees, particularly women professionals, to enhance their productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Key words: Quality , Work , Life

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