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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4747-4759

A Comparative Study Of Information And Communication Technology In Secondary Education: A Case Study Of Pune And Aurangabad Districts

Gaikwad Sneha Vaibhav, Dr.Neelam Khare.


Despite the substantial funding invested in and gifts of ICT equipment made to secondary schools by various international organizations, schools still face the challenge of how to alter the educational experience of students so that they are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in this particular, information-rich, and constantly changing environment. Concern arises because, until this problem is resolved, interest in secondary ICT advancement will be lost, and improvements to teaching and learning methods will lag. The main objectives of the review were to ascertain the impact of ICT integration on how students are taught and learn in the classroom and to investigate the advantages of utilizing ICT to raise students' self-awareness, individual performance, critical thinking skills, reading comprehension, and writing abilities. Every study hall had a pretest before the knowledge was provided to the exploratory group via ICT-based education. A posttest was then finished for each review group. The material was also examined using expressive and inferential metrics. Regarding general intellectual arousal, the results of the review showed significant differences between experimental and control groups. Furthermore, ICT-based approaches have had a greater impact on students' motivation to pursue academic excellence than traditional approaches.

Key words: Information, Communication Technology, Secondary Education, Pune, Aurangabad

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