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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2011; 22(80): 79-120

“Aggrieved” Nationalism “Democratic” Weakness and Nation Impasse of the Kurdish Polity

Ali Kemal ÖZCAN.

Cited by 5 Articles

“Nationalism ” has arguably become the most convoluted subject matter in the academic fıeld. In Turkey, this is a little more unvarnished, but has also taken a very unsavoury form: “nationalism” is almost completely used as a replacement for “patriotism”. Whereas there are more than enough words available for daily or academic use to describe one’s love for his/her ethnicity. This work will attempt to untangle the multi-faceted mix-up of the two concepts of nationalism and patriotism, in other words an attempt at the distillation of nationalism. On the back of such a theoretical sanitization, the study will then approach Turkey’s biggest problem of the last thirty years, the Kurdish question, and show rather that this could be an opportunity for Turkey.

Key words: Nationalism, Nation, Ethnicity, Domestic Market, Patriotism/Patriot, Elite, Poitical Power. JEL Classification: Z13.

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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