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Myeloperoxidase, Malondialdehyde and serum Lipids in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Mohamedi Begum, Ashok Kumar J., Hilda Priya D'Souza, Sushith Sushith, Prathima M.B, Reshma S., Shashikala M.D, Manjula Anil, Suriyan S Nair, Kavitha Ashok Kumar.


In diabetics, oxidative stress participates in all stages of cardiovascular disease, from lipoprotein modification to plaque rupture and biomarkers of oxidative stress enhances development of cardiovascular complications. AIP is related directly to the atherosclerotic risk.

Oxidative stress biomarkers merit investigation for the value they may offer for long-term cardiovascular risk prediction. . In view of above consideration, this study was taken to compare and correlate the levels of oxidative stress markers and AIP in type 2 diabetic patients.

A total of 140 individuals of which 70 are type 2 diabetics and 70 are age and sex matched controls. Levels of serum MPO, MDA, TC, LDL, TG, HDL cholesterol and AIP is measured in these study population.
Results and conclusion:
Statistically significant increase in BMI (27.2 ±1.2 kgs/m²), WHR(1.02 ± 0.04 ), serum MPO (211.71 ± 2.24μmol/min) and MDA(549 ± 45 nanomoles/100ml), TC(274 ± 24 mg/dl), TG (189 ± 2.5mg/dl) , LDL(207 ±45mg/dl ) and AIP(0.47 ±0.02) was seen in type 2 diabetic patients when compared to controls. The levels of these parameters is higher in diabetics patients having diabetes≥10 yrs and serum cholesterol ≥200 mg/dl. AIP was positively correlated with the levels of serum MPO, MDA, TC, TG, LDL and negatively correlated with serum HDL cholesterol which was statistically significant.
By measuring serum MPO, MDA, lipid profile and AIP helps in long term cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with diabetes and by measuring these parameters help to detect these complications as early as possible and early interventions can be done to prevent future development of cardiovascular complications.

Key words: MPO, MDA, AIP, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Oxidative stress

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