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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4802-4807

Perspectives Of Indian Economy Through Agricultural Digitalization

Dr. Khokan Halder.


The Indians rely on agriculture as their primary source of income. The GDP of the nation's farm industry is about less from the total. Although the farm sector is vital to the Indian economy, it is constantly declining while the service sector is, on the whole, doing better. Implementation of technology aimed at improving agricultural operations. In western nations, technology adoption is extremely strong in areas like remote sensors, AI, and big data. The use of technology in cultivation in India, however, is still at a low level. The industry is simultaneously facing its own challenges, such as those linked to farmers' knowledge levels, land ownership, and the complexity of technology. Technology adoption is still in its infancy, particularly in India, and hasn't really taken off yet. In this article, perspectives of Indian economy through agricultural digitalization have been discussed.

Key words: Indian Economy, Agricultural, Digitalization , Economic Growth.

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