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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8390-8395

Comparative Study Of Personality Of Female Sportsperson And Non-Sportsperson In College Students

Dr. Suresh J. Mohatkar.


The word physical education is made up of two different words, 'physical' and 'education'. The general meaning of the word physical is to various activities related to the body, it can be related to any or all of the physical characteristics. It is also known as physical strength, physical ability, physical fitness, physical appearance and physical health etc. In modern life, industrialization, mechanized life and computerization have created a new type of human beings who sit for hours a day. The 21st century is an age of space and technological giant, full of speed, noise and stress-causing factors. The anxiety and pressure created by the demands of our society and economic system and our devotion to rationalism is astonishing. Urban lifestyle has created many stresses and these will prove to be disastrous for humanity. Comparative study of personality of female sportsperson and non-sportsperson in college students has been studied in the present paper.

Key words: physical education, female sportsperson, personality, physical & mental fitness.

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