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Med Arch. 2014; 68(1): 19-21

Metabolic Syndrome in Mexican Women Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study at a General Hospital

Carlos Manuel Ortiz-Mendoza, Tania Angélica de-la-Fuente-Vera, Ernesto Pérez-Chávez.


Introduction: According to developed countries’ studies, in breast cancer survivors there is a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome; however, in Mexico data is lacking about this issue. Goal: To explore if metabolic syndrome occurs in Mexican women survivors of breast cancer. Material and methods: At a second-level general hospital, women with breast cancer with a surviving >2 years were studied. The analysis involved their demographic and anthropometric features, blood pressure measurement, time of surviving, besides fasting blood levels of lipids and glucose. Results: The sample consisted of 100 women; 42% were obese (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2). The sample´s mean age was 60 years with a mean surviving time of 6.5 years. Their mean glucose level was 122 mg/dL and triglycerides 202 mg/dL. There were 33% with blood pressure ≥130/85mm Hg or diagnosis of hypertension. Fifty-seven percent had glucose >99 mg/dL or diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, and 58% had triglycerides >149 mg/dL. Metabolic syndrome occurred in 57% of obese women. Conclusion: Our results suggest that metabolic syndrome occurs in more than 50% of obese Mexican women survivors of breast cancer.

Key words: Body Mass Index, Cancer, Metabolic Syndrome, Mexico/Epidemiology, Obesity.

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