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Case Report

Open Vet J. 2021; 11(1): 121-127

A-scan Biometry, Phacoemulsification and Foldable Intraocular Lens Implantation in a Young Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)

Aree Thayananuphat, Natthanet Sritrakoon, Winyu Karntip, Sirirat Niyom, Susadee Khemton, Panuwat Pakpiboon, Kant Wongsirodkul, Kanyarat Arunsri.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Cataracts are the major cause of visual impairment in animals which can be curable by surgical management. Phacoemulsification is the standard technique for cataract treatment that is applied to almost all species with a high success rate.
Case Description: A 2-year-old intact female orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) was presented with bilateral opacity of the lenses for two weeks. Ophthalmic examination revealed mature cataract OU. Ocular biometry measurements using A-scan ultrasonography for appropriate IOL refractive power calculation was performed. Electroretinography was applied to ensure intact retinal function. The orangutan underwent phacoemulsification OU and +24 diopter intraocular lens implantation OS to restore vision. IOL implantation was not performed OD because of a posterior capsular tear. Retinoscopy at three week postoperatively revealed +2.0 diopters OS. The outcome of the cataract surgery was successful during three years follow-up. The orangutan lived with other orangutans and was alert with normal behavior such as catching food, climbing trees, and swinging hand over hand from one branch to another.
Conclusion: Cataract surgery with phacoemulsification OU and adjusted IOL implantation OD was successful with few complications in this orangutan. Vision was restored with normal behavior, even though an adjusted IOL was inserted in only one eye.

Key words: biometry, cataract, orangutan, phacoemulsification, Pongo pygmaeus

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