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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8467-8479

Difficulties And Problems In The Implementation Of E-Learning In India's School Education System

S Shahid Yaseen, Dr. Kafeel Ahmed, Sahil Nazir, Najam Rouf.


India's educational establishments—colleges, schools, and universities—are currently based solely on conventional learning methods—or, at the very least, they follow the customary arrangement of in-depth discussions in a lecture hall. Even though a significant portion of the academic community initially engaged in group learning, the vast majority of them were still challenged by previous advancements. The implementation of e-learning has a number of advantages and disadvantages for the school education system. As is common knowledge, the adoption of e-learning in India's school education system faces numerous challenges because 60 percent of the country's rural areas lack adequate access to electricity and internet. This paper analyzes and evaluates the experience of e-learning in India's school education system, focusing on technological issues. It also looks at privacy, security, and ethical concerns about how students' data is used.

Key words: E-learning system, School Education, Data Privacy and security, Traditional Teaching.

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