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Original Article

AJVS. 2014; 41(1): 102-108

Inactivation of Avian Influenza Virus Using Commercial Chemical Disinfectants in Small Scale Poultry Production

Abdelrhman M. Gamal, Hamed A. Samaha, Hassan M. Elagrab, Ismael E. Ismael, Ahmed E. Nasr, Sherif T. Moubarak, Hussein A. Hussein, Zahran M. Zahran.


Two commercial chemical disinfectants which are commonly used currently in the Egyptian markets were tested individually for effectiveness against High pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV), which currently hit the Egyptian poultry farms at 2013, A/chicken/Egypt/13VIR3729/4/2013 (H5N1). The tested agents were sodium hypochlorite 5% available chlorine (NaOCL) and PERACLEAN 5%® (Peroxyacetic Acid 4.9% and hydrogen peroxide 26.5%). The test was performed in accordance to the guidelines of American environmental protection agency (EPA), using a carrier test with surfaces (coupons) designed specially to mimic the poultry house floor and made from concrete cement, (under dirty condition resemble Phase two, step two of CEN). At room temperature which mimic the field condition in the Egyptian poultry farms. Both sodium hypochlorite with concentration (250ppm), and PERACLEAN 5%® with concentration (1%), were not able to inactivate the virus after 5 minutes contact time, while inactivation was achieved within 30 minutes contact time. , which prove one of the golden roles when applying a disinfectant, is allowing the increase of contact time between the disinfectant and avian pathogen.

Key words: Chemical disinfectant, H5N1, poultry farm

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