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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8448-8466

A Comparative Study of Investment Preferences and Financial Attitude of Retail Investors before and during the Covid-19: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir

Sahil Nazir, Dr. Kafeel Ahmed, S Shahid Yaseen, Iqra Sajad Khan.


This study aims to make a Comparative analysis of Investment Preferences and Financial Attitude of Individual Investors before and during the Covid-19 with respect to the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. The current study is quantitative in nature where the primary source of information has been used for data collection purpose i.e., through a structured questionnaire. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling technique through which 105 responses were gathered. The questionnaire designed was based on 5 points Likert scale. This study used various statistical techniques to determine the significance of Covid-19 pandemic on investment preferences and investor’s investment objectives. Moreover, analysis determined significant impact of covid-19 variable on the Preferences and Behavior across various investment avenues before and during the pandemic of COVID-19. Similarly, the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic over the objectives for investment was also determined. Additionally, rate of profitability of investment mainly relied on the risk taken by the investor. Furthermore, it was also seen that investors intended to invest in less risky investment avenues during the Covid-19 to minimize the losses incurred due the prevailed uncertainty in the market.

Key words: Covid-19, Investment Preferences, Investment Behavior, Retail investor.

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