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Original Article

Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1997; 8(24-25): 147-156


İlker Belek.

Cited by 15 Articles

One of the most important health indicators used for health sector evaluations is the health expenditures. But, health expenditures show more than this: At the same time, they are indicators related to more comprehensive social subjects; such as social and economic crises. In this context, the main result is that the richer the country, the more is the money spent for health care and more resources are assigned to the health sector by public institutions. Per capita health expenditures is only 153.5 dollars in Turkey. So, in relation to this main health expenditure indicator, Turkey can be classified as a Less Developed Country. In Turkey, health expenditures have shown some fluctuations since 1980. So, it is possible to observe three different stages in the same period: These are 1980-87. 1988-93 and 1994-95 periods that have been described in a general political economic context.

Key words: na

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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