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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1999; 10(32): 31-60



Cited by 12 Articles

Rational expectation is an equilibrium concept that can be applied to dynamic economic models. The concept was introduced by John Muth (1960-1961) in two articles and he used explicitly stochastic dynamic models. When the Rational Expectation concept or Muth' s term first appeared in an economic jouınal article in 1961, it was given a specific technical meaning concepted with economic models. In everyday practical sense, rational expectations is simply an assumption about people's behaviour.Despite the impact that rational expectations has had in the development of macroeconomic theory, some economists stili appears to be an extreme and controversial set of ideas with only little "policy relevance".Basic aim of this paper has been showed that the work on rational expectations has been important for understanding economics

Key words: na

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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