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Original Article

Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1999; 10(34): 27-53

The Changing Nature of Labour Process and the Exigency of Workplace Unionism in Turkey

Gamze Yücesan Özdemir.

Cited by 11 Articles

Based on a study of a factory in tyre industry, its union and its workers, this study examines the changing nature of labour process and the features of workplace unionism in the contemporary workplace in Turkey. In the tyre factory, the stand of the management against the union, in the form of 'continued marginalization', and the emerging expectations of workers and shop stewards imply the need for the intense engagement of the union in workplace practices. The traditional stance of trade unionism, which puts workplace unionismin a secondary position, has to be rethought. Hence, the central conviction behind this study is that the emerging trends in the management of the capitalisı workplace in Turkey create new constraints and challenges for unions and requires more than ever an effective workplace union practice. Yet, the urgent need for active forms of workplace unionism in Turkey is less the result of Eurocentric thearising on the peculiarities of a 'newly industrialising country', as claimed by same unionists, than a result of emerging developments.

Key words: na

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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