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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2004; 15(50): 115-136

English title is not available [Turkish title: Cumhuriyetin İlanından Günümüze Türkiye\'de Bölgesel Politikalar]

Gülen Elmas.

Cited by 24 Articles

In this article, rthe recent trend in debates on regional policieshas been included under three titles. In the first one, three different approaches (mainly Keynesian, Orthodox- Neo-Liberal and New Regionalism) that analyze the effects of regional policies in the terms of development aspects in 29th Century. In the following section regional policies implemented in Turkey for last 80 years have been overviewed. The third section involves the interaction and implications of the new debate that emphasize institutional links between EU and Turkish regional policies.Therefore the arguments of the new regionalism have been examined in detail. Finally, it can be claimed that the new regionalism lacks and recallssome questions with related to the needs of less developed countries

Key words: n.a

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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