In this study, it is aimed to discuss the requirements of agriculture, besides constraints and possibilities, together with Turkeys historical perspective. Ottoman Empire not even close to the industrial revolution- the agricultural sector has kept widely its current primitive structure for centuries. In post-Ottoman era, with the birth of the Republic, within the economic and political conditions of then, it has been aimed to create the necessary conditions for the progress of agricultural sector that has been focused on as pillar sector. Even with the modest mechanization, remarquable raise in agricultural productivity and production have been achieved. On the other hand to increase the number of the tractors it has been necessary to wait until post WWII period. With this effect, the extensive progress started in the following era has not been able to finalize with intensive progress due to the shortages of technological improvement. Turkish agriculture of the 21st Century has a dual structure shaped by the technological conditions. The mechanic-biological technology using efficiently agricultural entrepreneurs and the traditional families using primitive manners of production, shared Turkeys rural areas simultaneously. But at the final analysis, due to the relations of new work-divisions created by capitalism, Turkey demonstrates a deepening dependent picture with her shortages in agricultural R&D owning.
Key words: Productivity, Production, Hunger, Technology, Dependency Article Language: EnglishTurkish