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Original Article

Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2006; 17(60-61): 77-92

The Dimensions of Poverty in Turkey According to the Capability Approah of A. Sen

Tolga KABAŞ.

Cited by 16 Articles

Poverty is a multidimensional concept. In order to define poverty, those dimensions should be taken into consideration. For example, monetary approach defines poverty as lack of income or consuntption. However, according to capability approach which is led by Sen, poverty is defined as lack of main capabilities. Capabilities are defined as being in good health, being schooled and educated, being able to appear in public without shame and being able to take part in the life of the collt!llltnity etc. The Human Poverty Index (HPI) which is estimated by UNDP is an example of the application of capability approaclz. f.eeording this index, hwnan poverty is defined as lack of longevity, knowledge and quality of life.

Key words: Poverty, Capability Approach, Central Capabilities, Human Poverty.

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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