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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4911-4915

A Study Of Temple Architecture Development In Central And South Kashmir

Ausif Bashir Malik.


Kashmir is full of archaeological interest right since ancient period. There are network of Hindu temples spread through the length and Breadth in the Valley. In this paper, I have highlighted important Temples of Central and South Kashmir like Sankaracarya temple, Loduv temple, Awantipora temple, Matand temple, Pandrethan temple, Narasthan temple. The unique features in terms of style, material, design and methods of construction have also been discussed. “The features of Kashmirian architecture are its lofty pyramidal roofs, its trefoiled doorways, covered by pyramidial pediments and the great width of its inter-columinations. The echinos, which is the leading feature of the Kashmirian capital, is also the chief member of the Doric capital. The Kashmiri architects borrowed the style from the Indo-Greeks.

Key words: Kashmir, Architecture, Temples, Stone.

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