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Original Article

AJVS. 2014; 41(1): 87-94

Impact of Two commercial Types of Feed Supplement on Rumen Juice properties and Body Weight in Goats

Mahmoud M. Ismael, Magda S. El-Sayed, Ali M. Metwally and Marwan A. El-Gendy.


A 12 female non pregnant goats free from internal and external parasites and kept under observation for 4 weeks before being treated with two different kind of probiotics for 8 weeks . Goats of experiment were divided into 3 groups each of them consists of 4 goat . (G1): Treated with probiotic (TOP 2X)R with dose 1ml/liter of water , (G2): treated with another probiotic which contain fibrolytic enzymes (GALZYM)R with dose 1ml/3liters of water and (G3): control group. Rumen juice samples were obtained weekly to observe the effect of bacterial probiotics (Top-2x)R and fibrolytic enzymes probiotic (Galzym)R on the food digestibility of the small ruminants (goat) as well as the effect of them on some physical and biochemical properties of ruminal juice as well as body weight of treated animals and also to throw some lights on hematological parameters .Results of the study showed that using of bacterial probiotic (TOP2X)R as a dietary supplement is more beneficial than using of probiotic which contain fibrolytic enzymes(GALZYM)R. (TOP2X)R the bacterial probiotic enhancing body weight , protozoal count, level of T.V.F.A more than (GALZYM)R with result at 1st week ( 29.00±1.22 kg) (5.50*104±1.19) (51.25±0.99 MEQ/L) for (G1) ,(25.00±1.68 kg) (3.25*104±0.75),( 38.75±2.39 MEQ/L) for (G2) respectively and at 8th week result were(33.00±1.78 kg) (8.50*104±1.19 ) (63.75±3.15 MEQ/L) for (G1)and( 29.75±1.03 kg) ),( 5.75*104±1.44) ,( 38.75±2.39 MEQ/L) for (G2)

Key words: ( probiotics, rumen juice ,digestibility, fibrolytic enzymes)

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