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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4916-4926

Covid – 19 Pandemic And Governance Challenges In Developing Countries: A Case Study Of Kupwara District Of Jammu & Kashmir

Tavseef Ahmad Mir, Dr. Nasir Ahmad Ganaie, Dr. Manvendra Singh.


COVID-19 has engulfed the entire world and impacted all aspects of human lives. The spread and the resulting consequences have tested the resources and the resilience of the world governments. Developed countries have comparatively more resources and other infrastructure associated with healthcare, but the developing ones have few resources at their disposal and are at the receiving end. Developing countries are undergoing social and economic transformations. They are apt examples of prismatic societies where the institutions and other governance structures are comparatively weak. In this paper, we have taken District Kupwara of Jammu And Kashmir Union Territory to review its COVID-appropriate governance in health. District Kupwara is one of the frontier districts towards the north of the union territory. According to the 2011 census, its population is 8.70 Lacs. This pandemic necessitated pragmatic changes in governance structures and procedures. Various aspects of governance need to be modified. The use of IT tools requires to be imbibed in day-to-day governance to meet the future challenges of pandemics. Interdepartmental coordination could be enhanced through such measures. The Health Department of the Kupwara district in the Kashmir region is the first responder to the situation. The infrastructure and human resources need to be remodelled to face the contagion. This paper is an endeavour to highlight the need for anticipatory governance to increase the resilience of various governmental organs against the outbreak of pandemics or other disasters in the future.

Key words: COVID-19, Governance, Healthcare, Jammu and Kashmir, Kupwara, Pandemic, Oxygen.

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