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Meconium and its Significance and Obstetric Outcome

Anjali Soni, Gunvant D Vaishnav, Jagdish Gohil.


MSAF is more common in primi gravidas as compared to multi gravidas. Postdatism, PIH, Eclampsia, IUGR, Oligohydromnios, PROM are main associating factors with occurrence of MSAF. ANC has limited role in preventing MSAF. Incident of abnormal fetal heart rate is 4 times and of variable heart rate is 5 times higher in MSAF group from control group. Most of the cases with abnormal heart rate pattern exhibit thick meconium and show significant association of fetal distress with character of meconium. Aggressive active management is required depending upon the character of meconium, heart rate pattern, stage of labour, expected time taken in delivery facility of neonatal care in place of delivery. Amnioinfusion is simple, safe and inexpensive procedure with almost nil complications though it does not decrease rate of cesarean section to statistically significant extent.

Key words: Fetal distress, meconium, meconium aspiration syndrome, amnioinfusion

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