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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 698-701

Behavioral trends of medical institution employees in adhering to COVID-19 preventive strategies

Ahmed Murtaz Khalid, Iffat Noor, Iffat Naiyar, Muhammad Saad Abdullah, Aiman Farogh Anjum, Muhammad Shahbaz Amin.


Objective: To evaluate behavioral attitude and compliance of employees in adhering to COVID-19 preventive strategies.
Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted in CMH Kharian Medical College in the month of September 2020. Convenient sampling was used 442 employees of CMH Kharian Medical College, including faculty, students and administrative/technical staff were included in the study. Prochaska model of behavior change (PMBC) was used to access behavior pattern. Questions were asked about adhering to WHO advised COVID-19 preventive strategies. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.
Results: Out of 442 participants, 9.7%, 6.8% and 6.6% belonged to a category that didn’t see any benefit of using face mask, washing hands for 20 seconds and keeping advised social distancing of minimum 3-6 feet in preventing COVID-19, and they did not have any intention to use these preventive strategies (belong to Pre-contemplation phase of PMBC). Almost 1.3%, 1.8% and 0.8% of staff belonged to contemplation phase and were of opinion that they were enjoying their own way of life, and they were little concerned that if they continue like this, it might be hazardous to their health. Still they did not adhere to preventive strategies, owing to lack of motivation-hall mark of contemplation phase of PMBC.
Conclusion: Majority of personnel (70%) of our medical school were found in maintenance phase once it comes to compliance of preventive strategies. There is dire need to work on remaining 30% of individuals so that those pertaining to pre-contemplation and other three phases do realize the significance of above mentioned preventive strategies in halting the prevention of COVID-19.

Key words: Behavioral trends, COVID-19, preventive strategies, Lifestyle modification.

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