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AJVS. 2014; 41(1): 120-130

Molecular Epidemiology of FMDV in Northern Egypt (2012-214)

Alaa A . Rady, Samy A . Khalil, Helmy A . Torky.


From 2012 to 2014, foot–and-mouth disease outbreaks have struck cattle and buffaloes in different localities of Egypt exerting sever economic losses to livestock industries. Thirty-five representative specimens (thirty-one tongue epithelium and four vesicular fluid samples) were collected from different governorates (Behera, Kafrel-sheikh and Alexandria). By using Antigen detection ELISA on these specimens revealed that twinty-six of them were positive and serotyped as (two samples were detected as serotype A, eleven samples were serotype SAT2 and thirteen samples were serotype O that was responsible for outbreaks during end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 in the three governorates) then the viral suspension cultivated on BHK-21 cell lines and obtaining on five isolates and these isolates identified as FMDV by using Real time RT-PCR using universal probe of FMDV and then serotyped by RT-PCR using Serotype-specific primers into (one isolate of serotype A, one of serotype SAT2 and three of serotype O) followed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealing that the isolate of serotype A was closely related to (type A – EGY 1/2012-KC440882 with identity 93%, type A – A/IRQ/24/2009-KF112909 with identity 93% and type A isolate A/SIN/PAK/L758/2009 ) that of Asia topotype with Iran05 lineage that differ phylogenetically from vaccinal strain (A/EGY/2006) of Africa topotype with G-VIIKEN-05 lineage , the isolate of serotype O was closely related to (type O isolate SUD/8/2008 with identity 93%, type O isolate SUD/12/2004 with identity 92% and type O isolate O/Denizli/TUR/441/11/03 with identity 89 %) that of East Africa-3 (EA-3) topotype that not detected in Egypt before and differ phylogenetically from vaccinal (O/EGY/93) of ME-SA topotype with Sharqia-72 lineage confirming that it is introduced through uncontrolled transboundary movements of animals and isolate of serotype SAT2 was closely related to (type SAT 2 isolate EGY/9/2012 and type SAT 2 isolate EGY 3/2012) of topotype VII with Ghb-12 lineage which distinct from contemporary SAT2 lineage of the same topotype of libya indicating that the disease source not through un controlled boundaries. The present study conclude and recommend that these new isolates especially O/SUD origin should be included in the locally produced vaccines to induce complete protection against circulating viruses.

Key words: FMDV-Epidemiology-Topotype-Lineage-Phylogenetic

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