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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4982-4987

Role Of Reading And Listening In Effective Communication: An Analytical Study

Piyush Gumber.


Effective communication is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in various aspects of human interaction. The ability to convey thoughts, ideas, and information clearly and accurately is essential for personal, professional, and social success. While speaking and writing are often highlighted as key components of communication, the importance of reading and listening should not be overlooked. This abstract explores the significance of reading and listening in effective communication and their interdependence in fostering understanding, empathy, and efficient exchange of information. The symbiotic relationship between reading and listening is evident in their reciprocal benefits. Proficient reading skills enhance listening abilities by strengthening language comprehension and vocabulary. Conversely, effective listening skills enhance reading comprehension by facilitating the interpretation of written content through improved focus, concentration, and the ability to discern underlying meanings.

Key words: language comprehension, exchange of information, listening skills, interpretation, attentiveness, underlying meanings, interpersonal interactions.

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