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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4988-4994

A Critical Analysis Of Theories And Practices In The Context Of Fear Of Missing Out (Fomo)

Anshu Sharma.


The Fear of Missing out is a very well establish concept specially in psychological term, but now marketing Agencies are using it to increase their sale and two trigger the purchase behaviour of the consumer. Though this concept was not very well known for advertising purposes because main focus was only given to its behavioral approach. As with the advent of social media, the popularity of online buying is increasing. The aspect of fear of missing out is the main highlight in marketing tactics. It is more popular because it simulates the response element and as an individual fears of missing something, it halts the thinking process and makes him to take the unnecessary steps. The fear of missing out is an emotional precursor and it generally shows the emotional part of an individual like jealousy, fear or other. The recent success of marketing techniques related to fear of missing out has encouraged marketers to rely more on such emotional aspect for marketing their product. But, it should be noted that from psychological point of view fear of missing out is just a personality trait that one might experience.

Key words: Fear of Missing Out, FOMO, Theories and Practices of FOMO, Marketing Tactics, Behavioral Trait

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