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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 4995-5001

Importance Of Zero Moment Of Truth (Zmot) In Customers’ Journey: An Empirical Study

Anushree Joshi.


As the world became digital, the concept of shopping also changed with this digitization. The medium for shopping transformed and with this change people came to realize the power of social media, mouth of word and their preferences. The change was so drastic and impactful that it gave rise to different concept in subjects like marketing and consumer behavior. The main area, which emerged as an important part of customers’ journey of buying, is Zero moment of truth. As it is proven that digitization greatly influences the buying process of consumer but Zero moment of truth decides whether to buy or not to buy the particular product of the brand. The buying process and purchase decision in this digitized world has completely changes the marketing practices of businesses. The traditional practices of enhancing the packaging and TV commercial have little influence on consumers mind. Now, the businesses use technological approach to advertise and market their product that can make a consumer buy their product.

Key words: Importance of Zero Moment of Truth, ZMOT in Customers’ Journey, Consumer Buying Behavior, Social Media Marketing, Moment of Truth.

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