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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5009-5015

Rights Of Women At Workplace: A Critical Review

Neelam Kathait.


The position of women has significantly changed since the world is changing quickly, particularly the status of working women because they are more aware of their legal rights and independent nowadays, women. Even though women's rights are protected by the constitution, many of them nevertheless experience different forms of harassment and discrimination, both at home and at work. This is due to their ignorance of the rules and protections offered to them under the Indian Constitution. To defend herself against harassment, discrimination, and exploitation, every woman, regardless of whether or not she works, has to have a fundamental understanding of her legal rights. India's GDP is on track to reach $5 trillion, but there are still issues with women's role in the nation. The little involvement of women in the country's different political, economic, and professional spheres exposes the state of the nation.

Key words: Rights of Women, Working Women, Equality, Indiscrimination, Harassment.

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