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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5031-5037

Impact Of Leader’s Personality On The Performance Of Employees: A Quantitative Study

Suhail Vij.


The effectiveness of employees within an organization is significantly influenced by the personality attributes of leaders. This abstract examines the relationship between a leader's personality and staff performance, highlighting the key factors that affect this connection. Emotional intelligence, adaptability, and conscientiousness are qualities that effective leaders have that enhance staff performance. Strong communication abilities, sensitivity, and the capacity to uplift and inspire their team members are all displayed by them. High-emotional IQ leaders are skilled at understanding and controlling their own emotions as well as identifying and handling the emotions of their subordinates. This promotes a favorable workplace culture, improves teamwork, and raises employee morale, all of which ultimately results in better performance. Leaders that are flexible and receptive to change also empower their teams to overcome obstacles and embrace innovation. Conscientious leaders also establish clear expectations, offer feedback, and act with integrity to create in their workforce a sense of accountability and dedication. Such managers foster a high-performance culture by motivating staff to pursue excellence. Overall, leadership personality traits have a considerable impact on employee performance, highlighting the significance of choosing and nurturing leaders with the correct traits to foster a supportive and high-performing workplace.

Key words: Leader, Personality, Performance, Employee, Organization.

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