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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5074-5085

Use Of Incorporating Mass Communication In Education

Sandeep Bhatt.


The purpose of this study is to quantify the views of today's youth, particularly those who are still enrolled in higher education, on whether or not the influence of the modern mass-media is positive and aiding them in better understanding the environment in which they are acting, or whether or not it is negative and manipulating them.
For thousands of years, political and military leaders have exploited the notion of manipulation to influence the populace and forward their own agendas. Manipulation has always been a divisive issue since people have different reactions to it, whether it was done directly in the past or subtly in the present via the media. Press, whether printed or broadcast, has a significant role in shaping public opinion and serves as a key vehicle for conveying the message of the communicator to their target audience. In this approach, the mass media creates an ideal setting for the rapid distribution of the news to the public.
The study's findings reveal a synthesis of the beneficial and bad influences of mass media on today's knowledge-hungry youth, placing agency for decision-making and action squarely in the hands of this generation. Verify the central study hypothesis, namely that mass media represents a double-edged sword for the internet-native Generation Z. It both forms and diforms at the same time. This research can help us figure out how to put this resource to good use.

Key words: Mass-media, internet, manipulation, education, two-blade sword, Generation Z.

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