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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5097-5113

Effect Of Mass Communication Among Impressionable Minds Of Children

Vipul Tiwari.


Children's emotional and social development are significantly impacted by media exposure. So, doctors should talk to parents about how much TV, radio, music, video games, and the Internet their kids are exposed to and provide advice on how much time kids of different ages should spend with each medium. The purpose of this statement is to examine the potential positive and negative impacts of media exposure on children's physical and mental well-being, and to suggest ways in which medical professionals might advise their patients and their families to encourage positive media habits. Keywords: commercials, education, healthy media consumption, media, media effects, media stereotypes, violence in the media, music, porn, positive media, watching television, video games, and underage gambling

Key words: Media, Psychosocial development, television, radio, music, video games, and the internet, mental and physical health, educational media, healthy media diet, media impacts, stereotypes, media violence etc.

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