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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5143-5154

Use Of Mass Communication In Disaster Management

Sudhanshu Srivastava.


Informing the public of crucial details before, during, and after catastrophes, the media serves as an essential connection between the public or emergency organisations. The media contributes to the management of disasters through its role in disseminating information about disasters, alerting of hazards, information collection and dissemination, notification of government officials, relief organisations, and the public of specific needs, and facilitation of debates about disaster readiness and reaction for ongoing enhancement. Direct working partnerships between the media with disaster management organisations may aid the media in performing these functions. Interacting regularly with the media before to a crisis has been shown to improve the flow of information and set the stage for successful collaboration in the aftermath. 1 The media's role in disaster management and preparing the public to deal with emergencies was the focus of the 16th annual Press Day. The President of India opened a national seminar that was held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The Hon'ble President, in his inauguration speech, emphasised the need of spreading awareness of disaster management's emphasis on preparation to all segments of society, with particular attention paid to the needs of the most defenceless members of society: women and children

Key words: Disaster, Satellite Radio, Mass Media & ICT.

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