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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5201-5213

Breaking The Barriers - Opening The Dialogue On Women Issues

Vipul Tiwari.


The media is often regarded as contemporary society's most crucial instrument due to its capacity for widespread dissemination of information. Societal and economic development greatly benefit from women's emancipation. They are the ones who give birth to new generations, educate them, and shape their ideas. The topic of this study suffers directly as a result of the social injustice committed against them and the neglect of economic decision-making capabilities to them in such remote locations of the nation. However, as the fourth pillar of our democracy, the media has responsibilities it must uphold for the common good. Effectively informing the public on women's status and value, it may serve as a catalyst for social change. This article reviews many studies with the goals of promoting a fair and accurate image of women in the media and increasing women's involvement in decision-making via the media.

Key words: Role of Media, Empowering Women.

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