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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5240-5246

Role Of Yoga For Anxiety Management Among Students

Anju Bala, Dr. Sanjaya kumar Das.


The Present paper discusses that yoga practice on daily basis can results powerful effects to reduce anxiety level of is a potential tool to reduce stress and anxiety, as yoga is not only a set of physical exercises only but it also calm down mind and bring peace and reduce anxiety. Anxiety is very common in everyone’s life and it is more vulnerable among students these days. Students feel anxiety and phobia for many reasons, it may be due to pressure of good academic performance, sports performance, competitive exam results, choosing career option or it may be due to any social relationships or so on. General and acute Anxiety may be motivation for students to do their daily routine home work,good performance in sports and examination but higher level of Anxiety for longer period of time can be dangerous for students and have negative effects on their physiological as well as psychological health. The literature reviewed in this paper suggesting that yoga and relaxation techniques reduce anxiety level and improve mood as well as enhance mental health of students. Studies suggest that there is significant effect of yoga practice to improve hormonal balance, enhance emotional and mental health as well as helps to alleviate the anxiety level among students.

Key words: Anxiety, Yoga, children, young adults, Students, Stress, Asanas, Relaxation.

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