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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8606-8614

Impact Of Space And Isolat Ion In Paul Auster’s Works

Reshma R Krishnan, Dr. Sangvikar Nanasaheb Vasudev.


Space is very important in determining the behavioral pattern of individuals in life. A confined space or a room is a place of closure where the mind and souls of people get focused on thoughts. Depending on space and time, people become free from several rules and restrictions of society. They become free in their decisions and will achieve a new version of their thoughts. This also brings development in their mind to some extent. This free space may give an opportunity for writers to develop their personalities. By getting free from the norms of society, they become free to live as they wish. Some of them developed their mind to that of a writer and some made developments in their views and thoughts. In some of the post-modern works, the writers make use of the theme of the cave, tomb, room, etc. to depict the different behavioral patterns of their characters. Through these themes, they are trying to make the readers realize how they are affected by the fake life which they go through. Another thing is that the act of writing implies two movements. First, it makes a deeper investigation of the characters to understand their minds, thus moving further toward the very center of their circle. Then it makes the characters reconnect themselves to society, hence moving back towards the larger circles. However, the writing of a literary work creates an imaginary world in the real world. On the graphical plane, it boils downs to drawing a new circle within the series of existing circles. Space and isolation often work as agents of behavioral changes for many post-modern writers including the celebrated American author, Paul Auster. Auster’s major works utilize the elements of closed surroundings like rooms and other places of confinement to draw his characters’ response patterns.

Key words: Space, room, isolation, behavior, etc.

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