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Impact of the introduction of interprofessional education to first-year university students of health sciences

Manpreet Singh Nanda, Mandeep Kaur.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: There is a lack of coordination among various healthcare workers in a hospital which leads to an increase incidence of medical errors and patient sufferings. The various professionals in a hospital are not able to communicate effectively and neither they can understand each other’s roles and responsibilities. This is because they have not studied or learned together. For this reason, the concept of interprofessional (IP) education (IPE) is picking up which is when students from two or more professions learn together for better patient care.

Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out the acceptance among 1st-year university students of IPE being introduced to them.

Materials and Methods: Two hundred fifty 1st-year university students, belonging to various courses such as MBBS, BPT, B.Sc., and Diploma allied health sciences such as operation theatre, radiology, laboratory, biochemistry, and microbiology were brought together for a common lecture where they were explained the concepts of IPE and practice. They were divided into mix IP groups of five each and WhatsApp groups were formed and they were given assignments on the topic which they had to prepare online and present on the next date after 10 days in the class. The author joined as a facilitator in each group. Even a voluntary poster competition among these groups was held after 10 days.

Results: The students were really enthusiastic and out of 50 groups formed, good interaction was visible in 45 of the groups. Twenty groups presented very highly made posters. More than 90% students gave positive feedback for this method of interactive learning and found themselves more comfortable in dealing with other course students.

Conclusion: IPE is an innovative method of learning and if introduced early in the curriculum, can be highly accepted.

Key words: Communication Skills; Interprofessional Education; Interprofessional Practice; Teamwork; WhatsApp

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