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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5291-5301

Review On Historiography Of Bengal Between 1847 To 1947

Sachindranath Mandal, Dr. Vandana Varma.


It is crucial to envision pre-independence Bengal as a distinct region before engaging in such a conversation. In between the middle of the nineteenth and the middle of the twentieth centuries in Bengal before 1947, there was an intriguing propensity to write annals about these sub-regions. A range of fresh factors are questioning accepted international and intra-national boundaries more and more today. People of all types can freely communicate and express themselves in virtual cyberspace without being constrained by national boundaries. Contrarily, the internet is frequently used to disseminate fervent sectarian and separatist ideas while having this liberal appearance. In this article, review on historiography of Bengal between 1847 to 1947 has been discussed.

Key words: Historiography, Bengal, Region.

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