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Case Report

Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Renal Hydatid Cyst

Gulnur Erdem, Veysel Burulday, Alpay Alkan.


Hydatid Cyst, a serious health problem in the developing countries, is a zoonotic infection formed by echinococcus. Though liver or lung involvement is often, kidney involvement is rarely seen and represents for only 2 to 3 per cent of all cases of hydatid disease. In our case who had multiple cysts in liver and large, solitary cyst in the kidney. We aimed to present magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance (DWI) findings of the hydatid cyst’s. Though there are MRS studies about brain involvement there is no MRS and DWI study in the renal hydatid disease. The mean ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) value of the renal hydatid cyst was 2554x10-6 mm2/s on DWI and high signal intensity was detected compared with the renal parenchyma. MR spectroscopy at TE of 31 shows prominent alanine peak in addition to small amino acid peaks. MRI is utilized to evaluate the complications and to plan treatment of disease. Advanced MRI studies such as DWI and MRS can provide supplementary information both in the post-treatment period and in the diagnosis by bringing non-invasive approaches.

Key words: Hydatid Cyst, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, diffusion weighted imaging

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