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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(3): 184-187

Influence of Maternal Anemia During Pregnancy on Placenta and Newborns

Melisa Lelic, Gordana Bogdanovic, Suada Ramic, Elvira Brkicevic.


Introduction: Sideropenic anemia is a common pregnancy disorder. Depending on severity, maternal anemia can significantly influence morphometric characteristic of placental tissue, pregnancy course and outcome. Objectives: to estimate if maternal anemia a) results with significant placental changes; b) influence on newborn weight, length and vitality. Patients, material and methods: Research included 100 women and their newborns, 50 anemic, and 50 women in the control group. Sixty placentas were collected, placental mass and volume was determined, and blood vessels of terminal villi were stereologically analyzed. Newborns mass and body length, and Apgar scores within 1 and 5 minutes after delivery were recorded. The results: Placentas of anemic pregnant women showed significant increase of terminal villi blood vessels (224,18 vs. 197,00 cm3; p

Key words: Pregnancy anemia, Terminal villi blood vessels, Newborns.

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