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Original Article

Med Arch. 2014; 68(3): 167-169

The Toxic Effect on Leukocyte Lineage of Antimicrobial Therapy in Urinary and Respiratory Infections

Dzelaludin Junuzovic, Lejla Zunic, Melika Dervisefendic, Amira Skopljak, Almir Pasagic, Izet Masic.


Introduction: Antimicrobials are widely used in infectious diseases. Only the timely intervention will contribute to the positive outcome of the disease. Unjustified use of antimicrobial prophylaxis may have adverse effects, i.e., result in bacterial resistance to existing antimicrobials, as well as toxic effects on leukocyte lineage and other parameters of the blood. Goal: The goal of this study was to confirm that the antimicrobial therapy of urinary, gynecological and respiratory infections has a toxic effect on leukocyte lineage. Followed by lowered immunity and the emergence of risk for health complications especially in oncology and other immunodeficient patients for whom to apply pharmacotherapy it is necessary to have adequate immunity, or white blood cell count that is greater than 4.0x109/L. Material and methods: A prospective-retrospective study was conducted on a sample of 30 patients in a Primary Health Care Center in Gracanica during the period from March 01, 2013 until April 01, 2014. Testing of this sample was conducted by survey on health status and treatment, or on taking of antimicrobial therapy and other treatment regimens, with the referral diagnosis and determination of leukocytes count in by hematology counter SYSMEX. Results of leukocytes below and close to the lower reference values ​​were statistically analyzed by Students t-test. Results: Mean WBC count in the group treated with antimicrobial therapy was 3.687±0.83 x109/L, in the group which during repeated infection did not use the antimicrobial therapy 5.09±1.04 x109/L, and in the control group of healthy subjects 7.178±1.038 x109/L. Statistical analysis with Student’s t test indicate highly significant differences between group of patients that used antimicrobial therapy with the group of patient that did not used antimicrobial during repeated infection (t=6.091; p=0.0001), as well as significant differences in mean WBC count of both of these groups and the controls (t=4.984; p=0.0001, and t=8.402, p=0.0001). Conclusion: Use of antimicrobial drugs leads to serious toxic reactions, or leukopenia. Indications for the use of antimicrobial therapy must be strictly followed, because banal, frequent infections are not indication for antimicrobial therapy. It is necessary to know the types of infection causes. Important is the proper and timely selection of antimicrobial therapy. When selecting the drug we should bear in mind its antimicrobial activity, pharmacokinetic and toxic properties, as well as patient health status. Possible is also the application of preventive medicine as well as other manner of solving infection.

Key words: antimicrobials, toxic effects, WBC count.

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