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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5354-5361

Review On Professional Development And Teaching Competency Of Teachers In Higher Education With Special Reference To Women

Jahir Abbas Khan, Dr. Munshi Rakib.


Professional development is the pursuit of different degrees, diplomas, brief courses, certificates, refresher courses, orientation courses, or other studies and courses relevant to the field that are pursued or completed for the purpose of enhancing and upgrading one's career. The competency of teachers refers to their knowledge and skills in a variety of areas, including management, transactional, contextual, conceptual, and content competency. The competency is employed in this study to determine the level of proficiency in teaching across five skill categories, including planning, presentations, closings, evaluations, and managerial skills. Women professional development may be lacking now a days which may be the barrier to growth in future India. So, in this article review on professional development and teaching competency of teachers in higher education with special reference to women has been discussed.

Key words: Professional, Development, Teachers, Higher, Education, Women.

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