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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(2): 738-742

Tooth survival following non-surgical root canal treatment: a review

Abdulaziz Ayeid Al Jazea, Ashwaq Ghareeb Alshammari, Maha Mansour Alotaibi, Nadia Alshammeri, May Mansour Alotaibi, Areej Abdullah Farhan Alenzi, Essam Almanea.


Recently, there has been a massive growth in endodontic treatment. Endodontic therapy aims to promote healing or prevent periapical periodontitis by using proper chemomechanical techniques to clean infected radicular dentin. After adequate root canal filling (RCF), efforts for proper coronal restoration need to be made to avoid reinfection. Non-surgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) is an essential element of comprehensive dental healthcare. This article focused on the NSRCT techniques and tooth survival following them. We used scientific websites such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate to obtain related articles about this subject. These articles showed that preexisting RCF materials, post and core, and separate files could limit the penetration of disinfectants and decrease the effectiveness of re-RCT. The survival rate of teeth after non-surgical endodontic treatment is significantly higher in female patients than in male patients. The primary cause of endodontic failure is a persistent bacterial infection.

Key words: Tooth survival, non-surgical root canal, treatment, endodontic, chemomechanical techniques

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