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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5362-5387

The Power Of Branding Influencing Consumer Purchase Decision: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Mohmad Altaf Tali, Numan Firdous Wani, Afifa Ibrahim.


This review paper examines the influential role of branding in shaping consumer purchase decisions. Branding has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to differentiate their products or services in competitive markets. The abstract explores various dimensions of branding, including brand image, brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand personality, and their impact on consumer behavior. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this review highlights the psychological and emotional factors that underlie consumer responses to branding cues. It delves into the cognitive processes, such as perception, attitudes, and beliefs that are influenced by branding strategies. Furthermore, the abstract discusses the implications of branding on consumer decision-making, emphasizing its role in establishing trust, credibility, and perceived value. The study concludes with recommendations for businesses to harness the power of branding effectively in order to enhance consumer purchase decisions and build long-term customer relationships.

Key words: Branding , Influencing , Comprehensive , Literature

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