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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5400-5405

Gender And Society In Northeast India: A Study Of Women In Assam

Debajit Boruah, Krishna Kamal Khaund, Sonam Yangden Pradhan.


In the 21st century, gender studies have emerged as a critical discourse against socially, politically, economically and culturally determined performances of femininity. It examines the differences between masculinity and femininity based on sexual or biological differences and involves the study of both men and women to analyze their roles in a particular society. Gender studies also analyze the institutions, processes and practices through which women have been subordinated to men, and it explains the most appropriate and effective ways to challenge this subordination. Therefore, this study aims to explore how gendered ideology leads to gender suppositions in Northeast Indian societies and how it shapes social values and relationships. The study also explores how gender issues intersect with other social issues such as class, caste, ethnicity and religion. Since Northeast India is a region with diverse ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups, the study takes into consideration the complexities of the region and the different ways in which gender roles and stereotypes are constructed and reinforced. The study applies Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (FCDA) as a theoretical framework to explain gender inequality and women's suppression in Northeast Indian societies.

Key words: Gender, patriarchy, masculinity and discourse.

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